Student & Alumni Mentorship Program

导师计划的建立是为了帮助培养在校生和校友之间有意义的关系, who can offer a career advice, 一个专业的网络和指导,帮助学生最大限度地提高他们的MMU经验.

Empowering the next generation of leaders

“我得到了一份很棒的实习工作,又有一个人加入了我的关系网. 它彻底改变了我的生活,也改变了我对自己作为领导者和专业人士的看法."
– Lauren Imhoff ’23 | Student Mentee

A unique opportunity for Mount Mercy students and alumni

这种伙伴关系有很多好处——校友导师可以为学生提供知识和建议, help expand their professional network, and guide them through expectations in certain careers and industries.

在生活的挑战中,导师往往是一个巨大的鼓励来源. They can help a person become a better communicator, share career opportunities, and boost their confidence and professionalism, helping them achieve their personal and professional goals.

On the other hand, 师徒关系是投资下一代、对他们的职业和个人发展产生积极影响的好方法. Through mentoring, one can expand their own leadership skills, pass on knowledge, and gain a greater sense of connection to their community. 

Tonya Kramer, posing for a photo in the university center commons

当我谈论我的计划和对未来的想法时,我很感激我得到的所有反馈, whether it be about my future career, my current position as a student, or any other opportunities I have. 我真的很高兴有一个在我想进入的领域有经验的人可以交谈.

Tonya Kramer ’24
Student Mentee

How do I join?

Bringing the coMMUnity together

学生:导师计划对所有在读的Mount Mercy学生开放, whether traditional or non-traditional, graduate or undergraduate, in-person or online.

校友:师友计划向来自世界各地的Mount Mercy校友开放. 如果你有兴趣建立远程合作关系,并承诺虚拟或电话会议, you can indicate this format within your application.

所有新学年的学生导师和校友导师申请截止日期为4月1日. 我们建议包括尽可能多的细节,以确保一个伟大的匹配. 在配对之前,你们会收到彼此的基本信息,以便从你们的指导安排中获得最好的体验.

   Request a mentor   

Apply to be a mentor

How the program works

The mentorship program is for the duration of one academic year

  • 下一学年(8月至5月)的学生和校友申请截止日期为4月1日。.
  • 所有申请人(包括学生和校友)将在7月1日之前收到有关其匹配状态的最新通知.
  • 确保你觉得自己得到了支持,并为成功的导师生涯配备了合适的工具, 学员和导师培训课程将于9月初举行.
  • 我们建议学生和导师在学年期间每月见面一到两次,以建立牢固的关系并相互了解.

Kathy Harriott, posing for a photo

我喜欢导师的经历,因为它让我通过导师/学生的经历与Mount Mercy保持密切联系. I was able to hear and understand the MMU student experience, provide career support and advice, and provide support without smothering and guidance without parenting. I was able to share in the joy of my student’s successes. 当我的学生毕业并发现自己现在在国会工作时,我感到非常自豪!

Kathy (Ebel) Harriott '87
Alumni Mentor

Frequently asked questions

Mount Mercy的同伴导师专注于帮助他们的同伴获得积极的学生体验. 他们可以帮助学员应对大一新生面临的典型挑战,并经常分享他们自己的经历或学到的教训.

教职员导师扮演着类似的角色,但更侧重于将学员与适当的校园资源联系起来. 他们还提供了一个安全的空间来询问有关课程,校园和Mount Mercy社区的问题.

指导老师专门帮助学生在特定专业中规划毕业课程. 他们精通Mount Mercy的课程目录和学术要求, 以及哪些选修课和领域课程最符合他们的兴趣.

In this program, a mentor is typically not a current staff member, faculty member, or student at Mount Mercy, so they bring a different perspective to their interactions. While they can share details from their own student experiences, 导师通常会更专注于帮助学员应对校园之外的挑战, such as identifying professional opportunities, evaluating graduate school options, expanding professional skills, and networking within their industry.

The offices of Career Services, Student Services, and Development & 校友关系会审查所有导师和学员的申请,以促进经过深思熟虑的匹配. Matches are based on a variety of criteria such as career interests, academic experiences, shared interests or hobbies, and educational backgrounds.


Because we want to ensure the best fit between our mentees and mentors, we may not always have the right match at the time. 任何没有立即与学员匹配的导师申请人将被存档并考虑将来的指导机会. With several career-focused events happening throughout the year, we may also reach out and request your participation.

虽然我们尽一切努力确保我们的导师-学员匹配是一个很好的选择, 也许有些时候,长期的承诺不再适合你的需要. Jennifer McNabb, Director of Project Connect, or Kalindi Garvin就业服务主任,可以帮助你改变你的指导安排.

而实习并不是对导师安排的期望, it is certainly possible under the right circumstances.

并不是所有的导师都有招聘权限,或者在提供实习机会的行业工作, so this would be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

最成功的导师关注的是整个人,而不仅仅是职业身份. 然而,在一段新的关系中,通常需要时间才能达到那种信任的程度.

During your first few meetings, 你们俩可能更愿意把话题集中在学业和职业上的成功上. As you get to know one another more, 扩大你们的讨论,包括你的个人目标和挑战,这可能是很自然的——这是学生从导师那里得到提示的理想领域.

如果你们都有兴趣从一开始就谈论更多的生活领域, feel free to share what you’re comfortable with.

Contact us

指导计划是由学生服务,就业服务和发展促进 & Alumni Relations Offices.

如果你对这个项目或申请有任何问题,请不要犹豫 contact us.


Jennifer McNabb

Director of Student Success Programs
319-363-1323 x1396



Kalindi Garvin '16

Director, Career Services
319-363-1323 x1620 


Morgan Ortmann '17

Director, Alumni Relations
319-363-1323 x 1828